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Healthy Family begins with Healthy Mom, Podcast Episode #56

Updated: Oct 7, 2020

"When you take care of YOU well, then you're able to take care of your family well." Steph Fisher of @StephFisherWellness

You will enjoy Steph's energy, encouragement, and plethora of ideas from this clean-eating, love-spreading, wellness powerhouse!  Episode 57,Part 1 of Healthy Family Starts with Healthy Mama, you better have a notepad ready to go because the ideas are flying fast on ways to incorporate self-care, mom health and family health into your daily life! Oh, Mama, you want to listen to this two-week discussion between Val Harrison, the Practically Speaking MOM, and Steph Fisher of @StephFisherWellness

Moms have a tendency to shove their own needs to the bottom of the pile. We're constantly inundated with obligations, little people tugging on our pant leg, older kids needing our help,  and for many of us, we also have to add "making some income" to the list of responsibilities that volley for our time, our attention, and our energy.

For many years, my life was a series of days of neglecting me, especially my physical needs. Most afternoons I would find myself completely depleted and then realize that I had done nothing to take care of myself physically. In my warped perspective, I thought that was selflessly, lovingly caring for my family. I knew my children needed a mom who was nourished spiritually if I wanted to help bring them to relationship with our Creator, but I didn't realize that same principle applied to physical health.

Intentional Mom, I've told you before, IT IS NOT SELFISH TO TAKE CARE OF YOU.  The opposite is actually true: Taking care of YOU is one of the most important gifts you give your family.

But how do we make it happen?!  How do we make time for self-care? How can we develop a healthy lifestyle when we have NO TIME and NO ENERGY and NO MONEY?! And then how do we help our family be more healthy in a sugar-filled world?!

Steph Fisher to the rescue!  She has been one of my top mom-health mentors over the last four years in my journey back to health, (I still have a long way to go, which is why I still need Steph!), and I'm so glad that you'll all get to meet her this week (and next) on the podcast!

Here's one thing that Steph Fisher and I talk about this episode: NUTRITION and HYDRATION both play such a big role in how we FEEL PHYSICALLY. How we feel physically affects our 🥑perspective 🥑behavior 🍳attitude 🥗words and 🍗decisions. (get my hint about protein & veggies, it's something that Steph mentions as important for helping her and her son's ADHD symptoms). This is a power-packed episode for helping to incorporate physical health into the solution plan for lassoing life as a mom and for your family as well.

  This week we look at lots of awesome strategies for FITTING HEALTH into our busy momlife!!  Then next week, we look at staying encouraged and motivated through all of life's ups and downs.

Next week, in Part two *Staying encouraged even through tough times *Juggling income when your priorities are God First, Family Second, and then everything else *Stress Relief including a Guiding Breathing Exercise at the end of Part two that will leave you feeling mellow and energized. I put it at the end of the episode so it would be easy for you to return to it anytime you want a Stress Relief Guiding Breathing Exercise with Steph!

Steph Fisher has been Fitness Director and Head Personal Trainer, with several fitness certifications.  She's taught Cycle, Kickbox HIIT, and Pilates for 20+ years, and recently added her 200hr RYT Yoga certification to her list of health leadership experience.  She is also an ERVP with Arbonne.  She's passionate about helping others discover their personal balance and strength.  She's a mama to four great kids and wife to Joey. And she's also Val's cousin!  But who she is most of all, is daughter of the King of Kings who brings her joy and sustaining grace every day!




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