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Prayers, Verses, and Moments with God for Intentional Moms

Updated: Feb 20, 2022

A Quick Note from Val

As I pray for all of you intentional moms, God often gives me words of encouragement to share with you. This is a few of those thoughts, prayers, and verses from my heart to yours. Check back occasionally to see what I've added to this post.

Walking this worthy journey of motherhood right along with you,


My Front Porch: A Place to Refresh with God

Everyone needs a spot.

I have two - one inside and one outside.

My favorite one is right here, my front porch. It is the perfect place to spend time with my SOURCE.

Jesus says, 'Come to me all who are weary or burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart and I will give rest to your soul. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30.

The yoke of this world, especially right now, is heavy. It's a constant struggle to keep from wearing the yoke of this world. Do you know how I keep from doing it? By putting on the gentle and light yoke of Jesus instead.

Daily my soul needs me to meet with the One who gives me clarity, peace, and admonishment too. He gives me everything I need to fulfill His will for my day.

My own will for my day is too big, stressful, pushed by guilt or comparison or pride, but His will is perfect.

The world's will is full of hatred, fear, distraction, and bickering, but God's will is perfect.

My daily mom prayer that I've been praying for four years is, "Lord, give me PASSION for YOUR PURPOSED in this day, and PEACE about the things you don't want me to get done." On the 50th episode of my podcast, when I'm interviewed by my husband, Rich, he asks me about my passions. For, you see, Intentional Mom Friend, YOU are part of the daily passion that God has placed on my heart. I am humbled and honored and thankful for the opportunity God gives me to minister to each of you.

So, Friend, where is YOUR spot to meet with your SOURCE? For Jesus' yoke is easy and his burden is light and with Him you will find rest for your soul.


Don't Carry the Wrong Load Mama, The weight of this world is quite heavy. The technology age we live in means that we know all the bad news from all over the world. We have to remember that we were not made to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. We were appointed mama to our little world. With God's help we can nurture, protect, inspire, and manage our little (or big) tribe. Instead of wishing you could conquer all the wrong in this world, go to battle against the pulls of the world that want to distract and discourage you. Unplug more often from the world and plug in continually to Christ and His strength for your moments. "Dear Lord, Please help these mamas to carry the load You gave them to carry and no more. And, Lord, let them know that You are carrying them and their family. They are in the palm of Your hand. Bring these mamas confidence, contentment, and calm. In Jesus name."

Seasons of Motherhood

There's a season for everything under heaven;

A time to get married and a time to raise children;

A time to make mistakes and a time to learn from them;

A time to mourn

the death of a friend, the death of dream, or the death of a fairy tale;

A time for your children to grow, change, succeed, fail, flourish;

A time to watch them marry and say "goodbye" to the child and "hello" to the grown child-friend;

A time to meet your first grand baby;

A time to begin new adventures, make some more mistakes, and the seasons go on...

Precious Mom, no matter your season of motherhood, it would be my honor to walk this worthy journey of motherhood right along with you. We do that each week on our podcast, Practically Speaking MOM: Intentional Mom, Strong Family. You can join me there on your favorite podcast platform, or on my website.

An Intentional Mom's Prayer in the Complexity of Life

Dear Lord, Compel me according to YOUR will to speak or be silent, move or stand firm, take action or hold restraint. Help me to identify YOU at work around me and then JOIN YOU in YOUR work. Purify my heart of MY perspective motives agenda to make room for YOUR perspective motives agenda.

Give me the courage and wisdom to stand with YOU no matter what the cost.

In the precious, holy name of Jesus the Christ. Amen (let it be so).

An Intentional Mom's Morning Prayer

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

When God calls us to step out in faith it brings a mixture of exhilaration and fear. It feels exciting that the God of the universe is allowing little ol' me to be a part of His plans, but it is equally frightening to think of failure and humiliation that could follow such a "risky" move out of my comfort zone.

With each step forward is another step of choosing faith over fear.

Living intentionally doesn't mean we have it all figured out or that we feel confident about our steps. Being an intentional follower of Christ means I choose the next step even though I feel the bridge shaking and I see the open expanse below my feet. I step again and trust again and step again until pretty soon I recognize that the fear is just the enemy's attempt to keep me from God's best, which is a sign that I'm pursuing God's miracle-level life for me. Keep calling me, God,and I'll keep stepping because the swinging bridge suspended above the expanse holds a beautiful view that didn't exist in my comfort zone.

Identify the God Moments in Your Child's Day

God is Your Redeemer

Motherhood is not an easy path. It requires a strength that is beyond description. It's greatest rewards are not easily acquired. We can long for peace and time alone while simultaneously feeling lonely. Our resources seem ever meager while we feel an overabundance of non-essential clutter.

God says He will strengthen you. He says He will never leave you alone. He says that He will go before and you can follow Him. He says that you will have everything you need. And He longs to be your salvation. Mom Friend, rest in His strength, in His guidance, in His resources, and in His redemption today.

Your the Master Gardener of Your Child's Heart

Find Refuge in His Salvation

This verse is Psalm 27:1. I'm sharing it for the mama who feels she has nothing left to give. You may be feeling broken and alone. Intentional Mom, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. The Lord is your LIGHT and your SALVATION! He is the stronghold of your life. You do not need to fear. The Creator God of the Universe, all powerful and all knowing, all resources are at His disposal. He is at work in your life, working all things for the good of those who love Him. Surrender your pain and brokenness to Him today. He will give you the strength to do everything He wants you to do today. Then He will do the rest. Jesus said in John 16:33, "I have told you these things so that in me (Jesus) you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I (Jesus) have overcome the world."

My favorite time each week -Sunday afternoon with my Savior - in the moments before "Wedding Week" begins...

I'm savoring my one weekly cup of coffee (aka heaven on earth) while sitting in my quiet living room because for some reason my kids rarely interrupt me on Sundays. This week I have special things to pray for... Tomorrow begins "wedding week" for my son Nathan and his bride and all the rest of us too as we join two families, interweaving our lives.

I'm praying that God would bind their hearts forever together and that God would help them to always seek first His Kingdom. That's all they really need. That's all any of us need.

Today I will treasure these quiet moments with my Lord in my favorite spot knowing that this coming week will be hectic but also miraculous.


PRAYER from Episode 127, "Need Encouragement? HOPE in the Suffering" Click here to listen: Episode 127

Dear Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus I pray for these moms and their families. Only you know the anguish or fear or worry that they are enduring. Please help them to lean into you and trust you.
Give them peace in their spirit.
Give them strength in their body.
Give them wisdom for decisions.
Give them courage to do what is best for their family, not what is easy or comfortable.
Give them hope that you hold the future and you have promised to never leave them or forsake them.

You have promised to be the father to the fatherless and the husband to the widow. You have promised to be a shield and a defender.
We thank you for these promises and we trust you alone, Jesus. Amen.

Here's some of my devotionals for intentional moms

This blog post is in the "Front Porch" section of my online home, On my website you'll see that my blog posts are divided into the Six Rooms of the Intentional Mom's Home. Here's a podcast episode that introduces moms to the Six Rooms.

Have you joined private group, "Intentional Mom, Strong Family?" I'd love to get to know you better and that's a great way to do that. It's a group of intentional moms who are growing together through our victories and valleys of motherhood. Click here to join our group on Facebook! Click here to join our group on MeWe!

I'd love for you to join me on my podcast each week for new inspiration for the overwhelmed mom-life! This blog post is in the "Front Porch" from Here's a podcast episode that introduces moms to the Six Rooms of the Intentional Mom's Home. Here's a four-minute message from me to you: Meet the Practically Speaking MOM

Walking this worthy journey of motherhood right along with you,

Val Harrison, The Practically Speaking MOM

Check back on this blog post from time to time as I will continue to add prayers and verses and inspirational thoughts to this blog post.

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